Decreasing leaf chlorophyll content and modifying canopy architecture to improve radiation use efficiency;
Increasing the kinetics of non-photochemical quenching;
Improve the productivity under environmental stresses;
Introducing photorespiration bypasses to reduce the yield penalty.
Enhancing plant gas-exchange via modulation of stomatal opening.
Increase straw protein content (to 8-10%) to make it suitable as an alternative feed production source;
Control cellulose/lignin contents and lignin properties to suit downstream applications.
The feed and green chemistry sectors to convert protein-rich straw into high-quality protein for animal feed and fatty acids for bio-lubricants;
The building and composites sectors by using straw with optimised cellulose/lignin content and properties to develop construction panels with improved thermal insulation and fire retardancy, and straw-reinforced polymer composites with improved lightness and mechanical performance.